mercredi 13 mai 2015

SDGO PVP tips compilation

Hello, it's been a while.

After revisiting this post, I think it's a bit too long, so I'm covering this post with a table of contents, hope that helps. (Ctrl+F)

Table of contents

1. Forewords
2. The pro's gameplay videos
3. My list of PVP tips
4. Closing words

1. Forewords

SDGO has been gone through its best moment, and as of now I believe it's the best timing to payback to the community I have learned. More than 2 years ago (if I recall correctly), I played my first SDGO game, in North American server (NA for short), got stomped hard, but I didn't lay my head down and admitted that I couldn't beat the seasoned players.

As of now, after the training in NA and a short time in KR, I'm pretty confident to say that my in-game skills are pretty solid (well, not solid enough to beat the like of top players like Alphaedge, Sakura, Shadowknight26, and so on...), but    (sorry no but here, no excuse no self overhyping lol). The players I listed above are known for being team players, one-man carry, god like reaction & judgment skill (well, sometimes they are drunk and feed and throw the game away but let them feed to give hope to newcomers).

(A side note: SDGO started their own server pretty late compared to other regions like Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong, and countless servers from the SEA regions. You can say when SDGO NA first went beta, a lot of american veterans hopped back to NA, resulting in a big beating every single game against the newcomers.)

My story of getting better at SDGO may take hours to be written here, but let's keep the content short while the readers are excited, I'm releasing a list of notes that I took while playing the game, or watching pro's replays. I hope this list of mindset can help newcomers to realize the mistakes they make in games, thus resulting in lesser time to be tormented :). I believe "play the game you love" + "play the game you win" should always be better than "play the game you love"alone.

2. The pro's gameplay videos

I'm holding a big collection of pro players' gameplay. Around 20-30 GB of videos (mostly .flv and .mp4). I'm planning to share them if people are interested, but Youtube isn't my favorite, as these videos contain copyright musics and will soon be removed from Youtube. I'm also not residing in US so uploading to American-hosted site will take super long (and I'm too lazy to do that, too much effort). Tell me if you know any solution for this.

The pros' name is mostly from korean server: Napier, SynysterGates, Boxing, Geniuses, Eodud, FBFB, Master of freedom, Newtype Sentinel, IdentityCrisis, Berserkd, Cybaster, Oralb, RLTK, Cyan/Blue, Asacasa, the water ??? clan master (sorry I'm not native chinese, don't know the exact meaning of those chinese translations), some from taiwan/hongkong server: 550408, zzn974211, and finally some from japan server: BxFyRe, etc.

Special mention to NA server's pros: You can google Shadowknight26's youtube channel. His gameplay is pretty entertainning. (I do know other NA pros too, but unfortunately they don't upload their gameplay *shrub*). I'm pretty strict when it comes to my collection of good gameplay vids, because when you record the scene where your stacked team of 4 pros beats a team of newcomers to a pulp, we will have nothing to learn from watching that.

Many thanks to the korean & other pros from all servers, as well as many contributors from Youtube, and so on.

3. My list of PVP tips

Here is the list itself:
  1. Make the right call (very dfficult make correct decision, as SDGO is a fast paced game, but keep thinking whether what you are doing and what you are about to do is justifiable or not). For example: if you see 4 opponents and you are alone, better back off to where your team is, instead of trying to use Hide and assault one of them
  2. Rush: auto lock to check how many foes are standing at the rushing location, and rush the guy who is alone
  3. Support (those who have stun): stay behind teammates, or tail your team's rusher, stun people who retaliate or stun the guy who comes to melee your team's rusher.
  4. Learn to semi lock while shooting. Useful to take down units with infinite boost.
  5. Corner your opponents when given the chance (need extensive checking of radar & auto lock to do this). Easiest way to shoot down strong players.
  6. MCA 1 hit then run to avoid melee sp (don't need this when the game starts, as everyone hasn't had their sp filled yet)
  7. Spam sp before you die. Reason: when you respawn you will be given a small amount of sp bar by the game itself. So if you die while having full sp bar you are basically wasting momentum! Useful tip for Banshee (the S rank one).
  8. Protect your teammates (either you follow this, or you chose the rush route).
  9. Hover behind the top and side corner of covers (building) and trade shots (don't do this if your ping is too high, you will eat shots through building!)
  10. Stay right behind building to look through building and see what your foes are doing
  11. Melee sp from high ground
  12. Dash next to the covers when you see funnels tailing you
  13. Don't use melee dash auto attack to reach your melee target, unless you are absolutely sure that you will catch him
  14. Fire your range sp as if you are firing a bazooka weapon
  15. Rusher: if you are seen, retreat
  16. Always look behind (there is a button for this function in game)
  17. Attempt to melee reach failed: dash away from the melee target for a while, then turn back to check his positioning
  18. While being attacked: let your foe hit your shield, while ready to press Mouse 1 for ZBS hit (if they have sloppy MCA skill).
  19. Dash ZBS: side dash to your target, while swinging mouse in air 90 degree.
  20. Set your mouse sensivity as high as possible. Best reward for this is now you can swing your beam sp direction super fast!
  21. Set your finger on SP button if you suspect SP from your melee target
  22. Trading shots in air: dash a little longer between 2 shots to mess up your opponent's timing to shot back at you 
  23. Reach with ZBS: dash toward your melee target, and quickly swing mouse when near your target for ZBS. Why? Take less time to reach your target. Also a must for people who want to melee after they quantize (00 raisers, 00 quants). Also nullify the preemptive ZBS defense of your melee target
  24. Attempt to melee reach failed: quick dash to the side
  25. Melee 1vs2: MCA 1 hit your first target, 2 hits your second target, then switch back to your first target
  26. Safe shot: jump, shot, quick side dash, land. Good when you have no cover
  27. Shot from close range: don't use beam rifle, use vulcan or machine gun.
  28. Increase dps (damage per second) for shooter: Alternate between your 2 guns. For example, crossbone X2: switch to weapon 2 (beam rifle), shot, switch to weapon 3 (machine gun), shot, rinse and repeat
  29. V formation: stay in a position that makes sure you are at the lowest bottom of the word V (where the 2 wings are your rushing allies). Cover them.
  30. Getting chased, have hide item available: Use hide, jump and and hold jump to hover in air
  31. Getting chased, don't have item: dash backward and shot the chaser. If boost depleted, melee dash to the back to increase the distance. If enemy is closing on you, blind zbs (just to buy time, and gain some booster recovery). If you are good you may catch greedy chaser with your zbs xD
  32. Shooting with 00 raiser: use semi lock
  33. Chill man! Better not know what players are in your room (so that won't lead to unecessary panic like "OMG he's a RED STAR", "OMG he's a korean player", "OMG this man is a ghoster") *side note*: ghoster: people who have bad internet connection thus resulting in them moving around but your computer doesn't recognize it, and then you get backstabbed (crits). Of course this ghoster quote is a joke, nobody want to play with ghosters.
  34. It's better to stay in higher ground than your opponents, because people rarely auto lock at whatever above their head.

 4. Closing words

I'm out of words. Go wreak house!

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