lundi 5 novembre 2012



I'm a regular SDGO player know as February91 in SDGO North American server. I play in other servers too (but prefer not telling, since most of them don't welcome foreign players). I'm not playing SDGO to make money (yes, it's possible, for some korean pros..), but that doesn't mean I'll go easy whenever I play SDGO. It isn't fun when you lose, right? I start this blog to share my vision on this game, aka how to get "a little" better. It isn't always true, because I'm not god (or because I don't possess a brain at Einstein's Lv), but I hope you can find something interesting in my posts. All comments are welcomed (except those like "BGM?", install Shazam in your Android/iOS device to find out the BGM yourself =.=   )

Excuse me for my poor choice of words and grammars, because english isn't my mother language.

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