lundi 12 novembre 2012

SDGO basic skills

Basically, you can enjoy it from here:

Side notes:
- dont do MCA walk if your enemies are near you. You'll pay for that extra boost.
- fast shooting doesnt have much use in game.
- dont learn Sin Swap (SS) because you will be banned if you abuse that in NA server.

It takes months (or several weeks for those who are geniuses) to use MCA at will during combat. At first glance you will not get used to it and get killed too fast. When you get used to it, you will feel under the category of overusing MCA. It takes a little more time to come back to the perfect balance for you.

Example of using MCA dash without a brain: there's a tower between you and your foe. You use MCA dash to get closer to your foe. Your foe can wait for the moment you land your sword, and... free shots.

My last advice is: dont be greedy and decide to learn all skills from that aboved link. Just learn them one by one. Dont give up :D.

mardi 6 novembre 2012

SDGO Blue Destiny Unit 2 gameplay

I didn't pay enough attention to my foes in early game. Fortunately my team supported me very well and not to mention, that Elmeth wanted to give up too soon =.=

SDGO Chaos gameplay

Several games of me playing Chaos gundam. The first vid was recorded using pre-nerf version of it.

My Chaos is OC5 full attack (4 slots-got it from gashapon)

Definitely weaker... but still, you don't need to ask for more: A rank, but having Reload Up, funnels and homing weapons is already too good to start with.

lundi 5 novembre 2012


I want to write about this first because I didn't see people mentioning it much.

Imo, good positioning is like: get a good position where you can threaten multiple enemies. This basically comes down to some fixed positions in each map. How to know which position is good? It comes from experience, but generally, better spots usually are top of tower/hill (if you play suits with high dps), center of map, and sometimes corners of map (if you play suits with many flashlights).

Going solo sometime, is needed, because it forces your foes to divide their attention to a new direction, so your mates can takes advantage of it and advance to a better spot.

This is a result if you don't get a good position after a while:

You got cornered from 2 sides. Even covers can't help you.
However, this situation can be fixed (without using items) if your mates know what they are doing:

Now your position is secured, and these 2 foes are under pressure because each of them is getting attacked from 2 sides. However, that isn't always true:

Now your team is in bad shape because most of your weapons doesn't work (beam saber, beam riffle, flashlight etc). You need to rely more on homing weapons and funnels. Your foes while standing in top, can rain whatever they have on your team.

That's all for today :D.



I'm a regular SDGO player know as February91 in SDGO North American server. I play in other servers too (but prefer not telling, since most of them don't welcome foreign players). I'm not playing SDGO to make money (yes, it's possible, for some korean pros..), but that doesn't mean I'll go easy whenever I play SDGO. It isn't fun when you lose, right? I start this blog to share my vision on this game, aka how to get "a little" better. It isn't always true, because I'm not god (or because I don't possess a brain at Einstein's Lv), but I hope you can find something interesting in my posts. All comments are welcomed (except those like "BGM?", install Shazam in your Android/iOS device to find out the BGM yourself =.=   )

Excuse me for my poor choice of words and grammars, because english isn't my mother language.